Bewildered? You're Not Alone.In the dynamic landscape of cloud computing, every company embarking on their AWS journey faces a universal set of challenges. These aren't just hurdles; they're time-consuming obstacles that can consume one to two person-years of effort, delaying your path to innovation and market impact. This is where Delegat Foundation changes the game.
A Strong & Scalable FoundationWhy spend valuable time reinventing the wheel when Delegat Foundation has already engineered a comprehensive solution tailored for your success? Our platform is designed to be the bridge between your company's ambitions and AWS's powerful infrastructure, providing a secure, feature-rich system that catapults you months or years ahead in just two weeks.
An Essential ToolsetDelegat Foundation is an essential and synergistic toolset for startups and enterprises alike. We've distilled over a decade of AWS cloud infrastructure expertise into creating a turn-key solution that gives you everything you need, regardless of industry, configured according to modern industry best practices.
The Real QuestionThe real question isn't why you should choose Delegat Foundation; it’s why wouldn’t you? In an era where speed-to-market can define winners and losers, our foundation gives you not just a flying start but wings to soar above competition effortlessly.
Your Strategic AdvantageWith Delegat AB taking care of installation in as little as two weeks at standard AWS contractor hourly fees – without any additional subscription or hidden costs – the only investment is in accelerating your growth. Imagine what your team could achieve by redirecting months of backend setup work towards innovation and development instead.
Key Features
Rapid DeploymentGet up and running in two weeks with an industrial-strength system setup that usually takes months or years to implement. Our turn-key solution is designed for both startups and enterprises, with or without existing systems.
AWS Control Tower IntegrationLeverage the power of AWS Control Tower for seamless governance, ensuring compliance with best practices right out of the box.
No More ClickOpsYour entire AWS configuration is text-based and in one place – IAM Roles, Groups, Policies, SCPs, RCPs, SSO Permission Sets – everything – and can be committed to source control such as Git and shared between administrators. Streamline system configuration as well as multi-account management using declarative methods, including assignment of access permissions and delegation of subdomains to accounts using Account Factory for Terraform.
Centralised Logging & ArchivalBenefit from our centralised logging solution including automatic collection and post-processing of system and CloudWatch logs for cost-effective long-term storage in AWS Glacier. Ensure accountability and ease compliance audits with complete visibility into operations.
Secure AccessDelegat Foundation includes a complete set of battle-tested least-privilege roles for you to use from day one and then adapt according to your needs. All access is via secure Single Sign-On (SSO) with multi-factor authentication (MFA), using your identity provider of choice.
Empowered BuildersThe creation of IAM Roles and access policies can freely be delegated to Builders without risk of access privilege escalation thanks to Delegat Foundation's pre-supplied Boundary Permission policy system. Foster innovation by providing engineers personal sandbox accounts with configurable budgets – ideal environments for experimentation without risking main systems.
Just-In-Time Elevated Access ManagementEmpower your team with flexible JIT elevated access to resources when they need it – enhancing productivity while maintaining strict security controls. All work done using elevated access is logged and auditable.
Automation & ReportsDelegat Foundation sends you a weekly security report of open instance ports across your whole organisation. Daily tasks include the removal of default VPCs, enabling EBS encryption, limiting CloudWatch log retention, enforcing secure IAM passwords, and more.
Designed For Flexibility & GrowthWhether you're deploying serverless applications or containerised services, Delegat Foundation supports all types of application architectures, methodologies and workflows.
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